Radical change agent Uranus, restless in your career sector for ages can feel like random dissatisfaction with the status quo. And to the extent this has been frustrating, thank goodness for Uranus on the Destiny Point right now; to focus your attention toward wildly promising opportunities to evolve professionally.
And to this end August 2nd begins the month with a spectacular, exact conjunction of Mars on Uranus/Destiny Point- to really turn you on & energise your hungry ambition:
I mean yes to showing off what you are good at, because shameless self-promotion is your natural thing-why not have fun with it?
And Mars brings the discipline to work that much harder, toward a satisfying sense of accomplishment that comes with nailing your most cherished, meaningful goals in life. Or maybe, if you’ve been feeling a bit aimless; a crazy new plan suddenly appears, to get excited about getting out of your comfort zone & trying something different?
Especially Venus in your soul sector with Lilith involved; you are driven by creative imperatives that are not necessarily obvious in terms of material success, but are fulfilling on a deeper, personal level. And the more you are true to your inner calling-the more your spooky, magical manifesting powers are on point. No one else knows how the fuq you do it this month, but your dark-horse success mojo is a thing!
Then the Full Moon of the 12th squares the Uranus/Mars/Destiny Point action in your biz sector, trine lucrative Pluto in your work sector; just as Venus into Leo lights up your creative confidence. So making good coin doing what you’re good at has you super focused on the Leo career plan; because you’re so onto doing it well. Brilliant!
Yes, but also you want to watch being too much of a workaholic, at the expense of your personal life? Because this Moon is on Saturn in your love sector, just as Venus in your sign awakens your romantic instincts & gorgeous desirability -so relationships matter:
Maybe someone special is clamouring for attention-and rather than be irritated by the distraction, you appreciate the reminder to make quality time together & love one another up? Because commitment feels good, if you are lucky enough to have someone to share the journey with -and a supportive, loving partner could be your superpower right now, to help you get ahead. Or if single, some new attraction could feel weirdly meant to be, and worth taking the time to explore? Or could be your family dynamic, to bond with your tribe/create a loving home with the people you care about?
And ok, if you have some control freak cramping your style OR stressing out about an unavailable crush-this Moon helps to keep your healthy boundaries clear. Your emotional intelligence is on, one way or the other about balancing your own, spunky self expression with a realistic, fulfilling love life as much as possible.
Then the New Moon of the 27th in your security sector; for a sense of creating independent wealth based on your own, autonomous values. But also square Mars in your social sector, with Venus on caring Ceres in Leo; you get that nurturing all your healthy relationships, and a supportive network around you is the best way to thrive in the world, right?
Image: Jerry Hall for Richard Dormer.