March kicks off from the 4th, with the fab combo of Mars charging into your sign to pick up your game with dynamic, life affirming physical energy and your ruler Mercury on lucky Jupiter to fully embrace your most expansive, positive intentions in the world.
Wow, you are so full of chutzpah & fab, fresh intentions to thrive right now –this month looks like fun!
I mean with Saturn trine Mars on the Destiny Point, exact by the 22nd-27th, it’s not just fluffy, hare brained schemes you’re dealing with. This is brilliant clarification of the most incandescent, meaningful life purpose driving you forward; and the gritty discipline to wrangle your hopes & dreams into realistic goals to aim for, one step at a time.
Especially the New Moon of the 13th is so vocationally inspiring. Venus/Neptune brings your natural talent to the fore, with such incandescent charisma & professional glamour to show off what you do so well. This is perfect to finesse the work wardrobe to look the part, polish your brand &persuasive self-promotion to get your excellence out there.
And your ruler Mercury involved from the 16th brings that clever, mental & communicative acumen you do so well. Whether it’s an intellectual/academic/educated angle or fast-talking sales pitch hustle or charming/caring interpersonal skills you’re on about in your job -you are exceptionally good at it from mid month.
I mean it’s worth pointing out that Neptune so strong here brings high-level creative inspo and beautiful empathy with the people you are dealing with; which is lovely but can also vibe a bit louche about deadlines/details & maybe entertain weird schemes if you’re not careful, so best stay on point right?
And with Mars in Gemini you’re kind of a hot tamale, so your sexy charisma is strong- but you might have to be the one to put it out there/pursue someone special if on the prowl for love action. Lucky you have Mercury/Venus/Neptune for sweet romantic moments to flirt it up, and show that you care…
Image: the sublime Paolo Roversi