So I’m thinking that the astro this month has you all fierce & self empowered in the world, but also the gentle touch works best in your home & personal life –as follows:
Your ruler Saturn on Pluto in your sign has been calling upon reserves of fierce discipline you never knew you had until recently. I mean whatever circumstances have been challenging your progress have been real; but also strengthened your resolve to grow & thrive with gritty self-determination right?
I mean of course it’s a wild world out there this year, and you are one of the people saying when the going gets tough the tough get going-you are fully up to the task of personal transformation to align with the times & thrive whatever the circumstances. And even better is lucky Jupiter direct in your sign; bringing increasingly positive affirmations on your part –to attract just the kind of fortunate developments you are calling in. Yay for being a fierce, spunky survivor right now, despite the odds!
Yes but also Mars in your domestic sector all year has you bringing the same bolshie attitude to your home/family/personal life. I mean especially with Mars on bitch Lilith right now, you might be so busy asserting your need for independent progress that you forget to bond with your tribe? Or inadvertently get tangled up in conflict because of heated interpersonal dynamics (not to mention the stress of lockdown etc for being stuck with our loved ones or separated as the case may be)? So Mars retro this month is a nice chance to chill out, step back & find a new mutual respect with whoever you live/love with?
Especially the Full Moon of the 2nd on the healer Chiron, also in your domestic sector. I mean yes this could exacerbate emotional sensitivities at home, but only because you are ready to feel the feels & do the necessary caring/sharing vulnerability with the people you care about. Including Venus trine Mars from your intimacy sector, could be passionate, sexy romance if you’re up for that kind of thing?
Then the New Moon of the 17th in your biz sector trine the Destiny Point in your work sector reveals the most inspiring schemes & dreams to focus on professionally –and energised by Mars & Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto power in your sign are quite achievable actually….