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So Mars retro for the last few months, in your biz sector has been inauspicious for big vocational initiatives; and certain delays, power trips & obstacles to your progress, however frustrating may have maybe been blessings in disguise –to prevent you from charging forward/forcing bonkers schemes prematurely…

And luckily you’re smart enough to get this, and rather than waste time being frustrated with thwarted ambition have taken the opportunity to quietly scheme, dream & finesse the plan right? I mean like the savvy Crab, you are expert at scuttling sideways & sussing out the lay of the land before you strike –which has served you well recently, well done. And the fab news is that you are rewarded this month –finally Mars turns direct from Nov 15th and your spunky, confident professional momentum picks up big time for the rest of the year!

So how perfect is Mars direct perfectly aligned with the New Moon of the 15th in your talent sector; especially with clever Mercury involved to get a fresh perspective on your innate genius, and how to finesse the creative process to best advantage.

Then the Full Moon of the 30th is in your soul sector, for magical manifestation if your intentions are aligned with soul purpose-especially Uranus sparking up the brilliant, assured confidence of Venus in your talent/play sector. So you get to align what you’re good at with clever social/professional networking & the crew you want to hang out with -to get out there & live the lifestyle you most enjoy.

Meanwhile lucky Jupiter on sexy Pluto in your love sector, exact Nov 8th is quite spectacular for passionate romance. Your partner is more likely to be revealing their true feelings, for a deeper, powerful connection that could fire the relationship up, to thrive with renewed authenticity. Or if dating/looking for love I tell you what, any contenders turning up this month could be pretty damn promising in terms of an expansive, potentially game changing new chance to love large. Nice one!

Image: unable to find original credit for this fab picture.


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