The Full Moon of the 2nd is all about getting your house in order. I mean you’re not particularly known as a homebody, but you do appreciate a shmick, sustaining space to charge in & out of during your daily, whirlwind routine. And of course recent events have made us more familiar with our domestic environment, dammit. So it’s lovely to have mama Ceres on this Moon, to cultivate a pleasing, comfortable abode that physically & energetically nourishes you.
Because to be honest, this is more about a healthy emotional vibe at home. Feelings around family dynamics, shacked-up lovers or whoever you live with are coming up; and it’s such a lovely time to keep it sweet & really care for one another. Yes bonding with the partner/fam (or self-care if you live solo) in cosy, nesting mode is so fulfilling right now.
Meanwhile this also triggers Uranus retro in your work sector; a fab opportunity to re-think professional strategies since May, to go back & innovate the fuq out of them with a fresh, inspired new attitude. It’s not so much vocational security, lol that’s out the window -more smashing radically exciting new plans to energise your most stunning ambition.
Including your passion for exercise & physical vitality –yes renew that yoga practice/gym membership/get back outdoors to soak up the sunshine as you work out; I mean you are the sign most likely to get that the better shape you are in, the more you can nail the work ethic on the day job & generally love life right?
Especially because the New Moon of the 17th in your biz sector is a cracker, in sync with lucrative Pluto/savvy Saturn and the awesome positive potential of your lucky ruler Jupiter turning direct in your earning sector. Seriously if you have any lust for earning good coin right now, you have to put yourself out there & work for it, but gosh it could be time to successfully thrive if you’re for real!
Because we also have to talk about the brilliant astro of Mars/Lilith in your talent/fun sector for the rest of the year! This is so juicy for your creative self-expression & playful joy, just because it feels so good to be alive –not to mention brazen self promotion & charisma to get ahead on your own sweet terms. You are on fire right now, you spunky success machine you.
Image: Helmut Newton