Venus in your spooky soul sector for ages this year has you tuned into the subtle undercurrents of your love, relationship & creative inspo, with that heightened intuition you do so well. And Mercury retro in your sign till the 13th suggests you sit tight & avoid unnecessarily complicated communication in the world; in favour of looking within & communing with your muse until you’ve figured out where you stand… so you are practising zen-like equanimity for the moment, huh?
Yeah but meanwhile the Lunar Eclipse of the 5th in your love/partnership sector is an unavoidable reality check –with Pluto revealing significant, ongoing dynamics in your key relationships that are ready to be transformed pronto! So ready or not you are dealing with explosive developments, passionate chemistry, game changing conversations etc with certain people that you simply can’t avoid.
I mean Saturn says there may be uncomfortable tensions to thrash out, but also Jupiter says that the relational growth going on is ultimately positively expansive. Which is maybe where Venus in your soul sector helps, with the emotional intelligence to do empowering vulnerability & listen to subtle interpersonal cues; rather than just reacting to the same old triggers unconsciously –know what I mean?
Because the Cancer New Moon of the 21st is the second New Moon in your sign in a row and exactly opposite Saturn in your love/partnership sector; which could be super frustrating as you come up against any lingering, tricky disagreements/commitment issues, or even bang heads with anyone foolishly trying to power-trip you right now! So you are ideally prepared with yes, clear boundaries, but also an open mind for constructive solutions & that nurturing emotional intelligence you do so well, to grow your healthy relationships as best you can.
Also you don’t want to waste energy on any naff, distracting white noise from other people that actually aint your concern- whilst you could be focusing on the fab, renewed self confidence & shiny self-expression that comes with Mercury direct for this New Moon in your sign. Do take the time to enjoy walking your talk on your own terms here, just because it feels so good to be you…
Meanwhile Mars/Chiron in your biz sector around the 15th, just as Mercury goes direct in your sign is brilliant for articulating your professional instincts, and the fresh motivation that comes with a clear vocational vision in the world. And maybe your nicest sense of purpose right now is encouraging the people around you to also grow, with that lovely, nurturing vibe you do so well?
Image: unable to find original source for this beautiful picture.