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Oh my goodness how fab to have Saturn out of your work/health sector from April 1st. After the last few years of stressing about the day job, control freaky professional power trips, work/life balance & trying to keep your basic wellbeing together under duress; which has been magnified with the pressure cooker Pluto/Saturn conjunct lately-gosh it’s been a bit exhausting!

So you’re loving Jupiter on Pluto from the 1st just as Saturn moves on, for a spectacular, fresh rush of physical vitality & inspired, empowering moves to expand day-job opportunities. The better to score the dynamic, rewarding work life balance that’s going to see you through challenging, changing times.

Amazing. You are a positive, adaptable, transformative survivor right now, and s such help those around you to reach their best potential too, don’t you know?

Then you have Saturn/Mars into your love/partnership sector from April 1st. Mars says the relational dynamic is suddenly so passionate/randy and also confrontational as fuq depending on your situation -there are fierce, demanding desires all over the place to deal with, with as much raw authenticity as possible. But also Saturn says follow this up like a grown up; you are setting the tone for any long term connections in your life over the next few years –so best get the basic rules of engagement right at this point, huh?

Then the Full Moon of the 8th is all about clear communication, which helps. Specifically Lilith & Chiron bring the empowered vulnerability to be raw, sensitive & also bitchingly real in all your dialogues; to bring your relationships into alignment with the most expansive plans you have for your life in these changing, adaptable times…

Then the New Moon of the 23rd is the most awesome, game changing, dynamic new take on your broader professional opportunities ever. You are so ready to harness your existing skills & adapt them to these weird times with maximum, flexible alacrity –yay go you, you’re so ready to inspire us all with fab new ways of doing business in the world right now!

Also this New Moon has a lovely Mars/Venus vibe for your love life. If you have a special friendship teetering on intimacy now could be the time to hook up, or if already partnered you figure out how to become better, unconditional friends to bond & navigate the next stage on the same page huh?

Image: Gemma Ward

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