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OMG we really have to talk about the Leo career & worldly success this month, it’s all happening as follows:

Mercury retro from the 4th has certain biz/financial scenarios stalling. And especially by the Full Moon of the 10th Neptune can be beautifully inspired collaborative ventures and/or headfuq entanglements where no-one knows what the hell they’re doing -which is why you take the time to finesse the details & negotiations until Mercury gets back on track from the 16th –maybe hold off on any binding/contractual agreements until after mid March?

Uranus has been shaking up your biz sector for a while, with radical new ideas about how to do what you do in the world. You’ve presumably been feeling the burn, in terms of shedding old presumptions of professional security that frankly no longer serve you & any upheaval around that? But also a fab, liberating, fresh sense of your future potential on the other side of this –you do have some crazy, cool new schemes & maybe tangible opportunities brewing right? So Venus lighting up your biz sector with the sheer force of your innate, magnificent talent from the 5th and then unleashing the maverick Uranus energy around the Full Moon of the 10th with next level confidence for amazing creative ventures/shameless self promotion/rocking your professional spunk in the world is so cool!

Saturn/Pluto in your work sector has been a gritty reality check recently –you get that it’s time to dig deep & be fiercely disciplined if you want to realize the powerful professional potential you’re rocking right now –but just burning yourself out for the sake of the daily grind, not so much. Especially with Mars energising a lucky, lucrative Jupiter/Pluto aspect around the 22nd just as Saturn fuqs off & heavy, restrictive thinking/dead end obligations begin to drop away. Because you’re driven by a primal desire to thrive-financially & in terms of meaningful job satisfaction/the fulfilling, rewarding lifestyle you’re working so hard to fund. You’re not living to work you’re working to live! So yeah, get ready to adjust or change your current gig accordingly this month right?

Also because the New Moon of the 24th triggers your lust for an adventurous, meaningful life on your own terms, no time for dreary compromise you’re too busy creating the life you want to live –as a supremely confident creative unit, you love this!

And romantic love? Saturn into your partnership sector from the 22nd begins a process of clarifying any key commitments in your life, which might require a bit of honest, mature, sober emotional analysis. Then to the extent you get your head around this, you can look forward to Mars backing it up with next level, hot blooded passion with someone who matters from April 1st…

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