So how you going with Uranus shaking up the Leo career plan, with familiar professional paradigms/job security etc dropping away at warp speed- disconcerting much? Yes, and to the extent you’re choosing to embrace this with a flexible eye to the wild & wonderful new prospects just outside your comfort zone, I’m just saying you’re so onto it & quite the success machine right now:
So perfect timing that your work sector is simply busting with potential in December, and so revealing about your true sense of purpose in the world. You have Pluto doing gutsy transformation on the day job to bring it up to speed doing what you do with fierce effectiveness. Or demolishing any gig that no longer serves you-seriously ready or not, the better to tackle something more relevant to who you are these days.
Because Venus on Pluto for the Full Moon of the 12th has you coming to terms with just how talented & capable you are-which let’s face it is your favourite subject lol, being the brilliant creative creature that you are. And even better Saturn says you know what to do about it AND the proper discipline to make it happen with sexy self-assurance. And best of all lucky Jupiter in your work sector for a whole year from Dec 3rd is the sheer exuberant, positive confidence to believe you can thrive professionally on your very own own terms –babe you are so onto this!
Especially by the New Moon Eclipse of the 26th trine Uranus with Jupiter all over it: such an auspicious time to pull your biggest dreams into focus with fresh, clear strategies to inspire your forward momentum.
Meanwhile the Venus/Mars action of early Dec is pulled together in your work sector, to reveal any professional relationships/suave negotiations you need to finesse with that charismatic charm of yours. Also if single/on the prowl for love? I tell you what it’s going about your daily business at work/the gym/supermarket etc that romantic synchronicity is most likely to strike-so best look sharp & flirty just in case huh?
And if already involved, Mars in your domestic sector says good loving happens on home turf. Shacked up partnership is looking good, or maybe schedule your next hot date on home turf?
Image: Laine Fraser