August begins with the New Moon of the 1st in your spooky soul sector, setting the tone for a month full of strange synchronicities/karmic connections with certain people revealing themselves, the heightened intuition to see the spiritual growth behind all this and do due diligence on pattern recognition in your life…
Especially with sparky Uranus upending whatever schemes you’ve been brewing in your vision sector lately, to force/inspire an upgrade to an even more authentic, big, brazen life plan. The self-awareness to recognise where you’re at so far, and how to do rapid evolution to adapt/move it forward according to sudden new developments in your situation?
Absolutely -any flux you’re going through only sharpens those brilliant instincts of yours; to finesse the process & magically yet realistically manifest good things in the world in line with your current circumstances. Omg you’re so onto it right now!
Which sets you up beautifully for the Full Moon of the 15th in your work/day job sector. It’s a fab chance to ace your sense of professional purpose in the world, and with Jupiter turning direct in your home sector also honouring a personal life that fills your cup. The perfect work/lifestyle balance to support your overall wellbeing AND success with that pragmatic nous you do so well? Yes you can.
Then we have to talk about the Mars/Venus conjunction in your sign around the 24th, where your love/relationship skills are so on point! Yes it could be Virgo mating season; where your romantic wiles create a closer union/ simpatico harmony with your partner, seducing your crush etc or if single a new, promising take on how to come at the dating scene? And it’s not just romance, also your general relating/people skills are that much more sweet & functional here, for a chance to present your most lovely, personable self to the world, which could come in handy huh?
Image: Klara Johanna Michel