So the Venus/Mars trine of Nov 10th potentially streamlines your earning situation nicely this month, as follows:
Mars in your work sector for most of the last 6 months has fully energised your work ethic, and you’ve been persevering with your career plans with steady determination and the quiet certainty that they’re going to pay off eventually. So Mars ready to move on mid month has you reflecting on just how much vocational progress you’ve made lately; and the trine to Venus in your income sector is a cool clue about how to monetise all this hard work as effectively as possible -this is so promising…
Bearing in mind that Venus retro for the first half of Nov could be tempting to indulge certain hare brained money schemes, to test your usually unflappable, clever financial instincts. But of course you resist this, and wait until Venus direct from the 16th onwards to finesse any $ negotiations or decisions, right? Because the second half of Nov is where the money flow picks up, and hustling the coin you deserve for what you do suddenly seems so much more realistic if you keep your wits about you!
Meanwhile the New Moon of the 8th sets any dialogues in motion, where you need to communicate more effectively in your most important relationships. I mean Neptune in your love sector means you can basically read your loved one’s minds-you’re that emotionally intuitive &switched on! Which is cool and all-but still, sometimes you need actual words to spell it out and make sure you’re on the same page, right?
Especially because the Venus/Mars action of mid month is so romantically auspicious for sweet, easy chemistry to reveal itself in your love life -and just in time for Mars into your love sector from Nov 17th to kick off Virgo mating season until mid Feb!
Yep, for the next few months you are way more likely to have love action coming at you with so much more passionate intensity. Maybe your partner is especially attentive and this inspires you guys to love each other up more than ever, to deepen your connection? Or some ‘maybe’ attraction hanging around suddenly morphs into full-blown seduction/love potential? Or you’re on the dating scene and finally meet some hot new contender, worthy of your charms? Ooh la la, it’s looking good baby x
Image: unable to find original source for this image.