As if you weren’t financially astute enough already, the New Moon of the 9th sharpens your biz/money instincts considerably for the month ahead:
It’s in your income sector, so all about looking at ways to maximise your earning potential in the world. And with nurturing Ceres involved, your core motivation is doing something that naturally nourishes your personal wellbeing for a living; as opposed to slaving away or compromising your values for a buck.
Whether it’s Pluto challenging you to dig deep and unlock your most powerful talent/creative expression in the world; and I tell you what the more you really believe in this, Pluto is a seriously lucrative energy to potentially hustle big coin for what you’re good at. Whether it’s Mars energising a big health kick, where you want a work/life balance that supports a healthy, dynamic lifestyle; it could be a complete overhaul of the day job/whole new gig or as simple as getting to the gym before work every day. And Mars is totally driving your fierce work ethic for the next few months, with the fire in your belly to succeed no matter what. Once you’ve identified a genuinely savvy/rewarding professional plan, you have the sheer determination to make it happen and then some! So yeah, the Virgo career couldn’t be more on track…
And it’s worth pointing out that Venus & lucky Jupiter are lending such positive energy to your communication skills right now. Which absolutely works for any vocational/biz negotiations you wish to finesse; especially if you are in social media/writing/publishing/education or looking for intellectual stimulation with a bit of study inspo –it’s looking good! And also such a brilliant time to open up any personal dialogues in your life that need a bit of candid, open-hearted connection…
Because love is a thing this month! The Venus/Mars square is tetchy, exciting romantic tension to energise your relationship, or if single any attractions brewing around you. With sexy Pluto in your romance sector it’s all about the passionate gestures that turn one another one on; for deeper intimacy with someone special or to nail a seduction opportunity you’ve been eyeing off with someone new…etc. And I tell you what your hottest date night this month is as close to Oct 11thas you can manage, just so you know. And the key here is sparkly, stimulating communication. Maybe it’s a fab, flirty repartee/conversation that suddenly turns into a sexy hook up, or maybe it’s the pillow talk afterwards that reminds you just how gorgeously connected you really are?
Image: Mona Johannesson byJimmy Backius for Elle Sweden