So if Jupiter dithering retrograde in your soul sector has you tempted to indulge in a bit of existential self-doubt, or ennui about what the hell you’re even doing with your life? Well ok a bit of inner work/spiritual practice to clarify your intentions right now could be constructive, but no you don’t get lost in naval gazing –you’re too busy focusing your energy on the beautifully clarity coming up when Jupiter moves forward from mid July… honest, not long to go until you feel back in the flow again!
Meanwhile you have plenty to keep you occupied this month:
-The New Moon of the 14th in your love sector. It’s one of those romantic re-boots, with a sweet chance to re-connect with a lover you may have felt a little distant from lately-and with Mercury & Venus in your intimacy sector it’s all about courageous, vulnerable communication –ready or not! Or if you’re singe/on the prowl a great chance to chat up someone new with some smooth flirty moves… ooh la la.
-Venus & the Destiny Point in your adventure sector around the 19th. A bit of thrilling inspo about that big travel bender/cool new lifestyle/any publishing/writing/academia type opportunities that you’re working so hard toward right now- to keep you motivated. Yep, you really are on track for some promising, long term potential here…
-Uranus in your work sector and the Full Moon of the 28th in your income sector. This is where you knuckle down on innovating the hell out of your professional life with some fierce discipline you didn’t even know you had –you want to rake in some big coin for what you do? Yes you totally can right now, but you’re going to have to back yourself with your best self-confidence and work for it baby! Kinda challenging but so worth it, don’t you know?