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So chances are you are still getting your head around Uranus shaking up your biz sector and settling in for several years ahead of re-visioning the wider vocational plan. Especially Venus meeting the Destiny Point in Leo around the 19th-for some truly genius inspiration about your personal brilliance in the world and future plans:

You might be suddenly sparking off a million genius new schemes and dreams –and wildly excited about the potential opportunities opening up in front of you? Or you might be all over the shop, wondering what the hell you’re doing with your life/overwhelmed by some professional instability and just how much of that you can’t fully control? Or all of the above? Welcome to a whole new chapter of the Leo career –and one way or the other it’s bound to be wonderfully innovative, for a good time, and any fluxy/unpredictable circumstances along the way are par for the course –so might as well strap in and embrace the thrill of the new:

Don’t worry, Saturn in your day job sector provides the savvy, strategic thinking to stay on your toes and turn any developments to your advantage-especially around the Full Moon of the 28th, when your vocational instincts will have become especially powerful, so get ready to keep it real and work that as best you can, huh?

Meanwhile, you have sexy Mars energising your love/partnership sector until November –it’s Leo mating season!

You have several months ahead to work your seductive magic. Maybe bring some authentic passion to your existing lover to turn them on and rekindle the flame-because they’re worth it! Or if you’re single, I predict a way higher chance of someone hot chasing you up in coming months and guess what? It could quite possibly be someone from the past, an ex or the one that got away who turns up out of the blue-or even if someone new there could be some spooky, past life recognition involved? Stay tuned…

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