Image: Pino Gomes photography
Well presumably that Mars/Pluto action in your sign recently has revved up your sexy determination to thrive, and you’re sufficiently energised to dispel any Saturn-retrograde blues and seize the opportunities coming your way?
Great, because the New Moon of May 15th is an invitation to have some fun with life! This involves Uranus turning up and commencing seven whole years ahead of rocking your most liberating personal confidence:
It could be creative self-expression just for the pure, playful joy of it that’s turning you on right now -which is so fab and life affirming, right? And also, will inevitably have you coming to terms with your most brilliant, core talent in the world. You identify what you’re naturally, brilliantly good at; and lucky Jupiter in your networking sector provides the shameless self-promotion to leverage this into any number of professional opportunities. Especially with Mars energising your earning sector from mid month-oh yes you’re a money-making machine for sure…
So balancing the serious Capricorn status anxiety/biz focus with a little more playing around with what you love doing- with a truly flexible/open minded attitude to outcomes- could, funnily enough, be just the ticket to get ahead right now.
And it’s also great for mixing it up on the social scene, stepping out, shining your light as social butterfly and life of the party for kicks– I mean sometimes life is meant to be enjoyed just for the sparkly thrill of it! And this could bond you with your supportive tribe/some special friends more closely, which is lovely too.
Speaking of which, Venus in your love sector from May 20th means everyone adores you for just being you (nice), but also tons of romantic attention. If you’re looking to up the chemistry/mutual understanding with your partner, late May could bring it. And if single-so many cute new prospects pop up by late May, and maybe chasing lovely you-if you’re open to open-ended possibilities?