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To the extent that you have your own version of bossy-boots/fiercely assertive self-determination covertly lurking under that sweety-pie charm of yours (admit it, lol)? Mars in your sign since late October has helped you to come to terms with your determined wilfulness and express your desires more overtly. So if you’ve been enjoying this, you’ve got till Dec 10th to strut around and metaphorically keep flexing your muscles in the world for a good time.

Because from the 10th Mars joins lucky Jupiter in your cash sector and you focus your newly empowered confidence to firing up the Libran income! The next 6 weeks, and particularly by early Jan is brilliant for setting up the kind of earning opportunities and financial independence you want to see in your life for 2018. So meanwhile the Full Moon of the 4th is great for any creative inspiration about your current or potential day job success, and how to optimize any opportunities that might be pointing in that direction…

And just in case you’re still feeling stumped about all this because Saturn has been slightly depressing in your ideas sector, and limiting your sense of possibility these last few years? You are loving the new levity and positive intentions as positive Venus gets on board from the 2nd and Saturn gets out of your hair from Dec 20th. You are about to get your determined-to-thrive optimism back –believe it!

So what else is your lovely ruling planet, Venus good for this month? Romance of course! I mean to the extent the month begins with fiery Mars/Uranus attraction scenario activating weird and wonderful new possibilities in your love life; it’s not predictable or stable but it might just be unexpectedly thrilling. And Venus helps you to translate this kinaesthetic new energy into some smooth/renewed romantic dialogue with an existing love or genius flirty repartee with some wild new contender, the better to explore the potential with your most open minded optimism. Yes, and especially around the New Moon of the 18th.

Image: Cliff Chung Kit Cheung

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