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Mars in your play/self expression sector from Sept 3rd –Oct 23rd is a fab period of energised living. You come to terms with not only acknowledging the extent of your own core talent, but the determination to push your creative process that much harder, lift your game and get even better at it. Not to mention the confidence to get out there with good old shameless self-promotion and share your brilliance with the rest of the world too!

And this is where the Full Moon of the 6th is so great. Inspired networking, bonding with people who really get your visionary brilliance –and any great collaborations that spring from that, and pulling together a magnetised community with similar values; excellent. But getting shit-faced with your squad/dissipating your creative focus with excessive partying is also a big temptation here-and yeah no, not so much obviously.

You are working toward the clarity of the New Moon of the 20th, where you finesse the details of any schemes you’ve been brewing-the better to step forward with a fabulously coherent, long-game plan. So yes, it’s worth keeping it together and remaining intentional this month for sure!

Meanwhile, your ruler Venus is chasing her lover Mars through your romance sector all month-and heading toward a sparkly meet up by early October. Which translates as some kind of evolving love chemistry in your life, which could very well be building momentum with very real traction this month; and much more revealing outcomes during October… So if you’re feeling it, whether in an existing relationship or buzzy new attraction? Yep, it could be going somewhere and a great time to trust those bullish, sensual instincts of yours for sure.

Image: via (unable to find original source for this image)

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