Well for a start, Venus into your career sector from the 6th is a nice blast of professional confidence to get the month moving. It’s time to grab your best, natural talent and run with it for some nice career momentum. And also glamour up your look in the world; maybe polishing your professional wardrobe/shmicking the charm offensive at work/investing in some proper, shameless self promotion/savvy branding in biz could be the way forward?
Because the Full Moon of the 9th helpfully revs up your creative confidence. And with Pluto on board it’s a powerful, updated new version of rocking your best talent in the world to turn you on mid month; and transform your perspective on what you’re capable of for a bit of positive, motivating personal challenge… Oh yes.
What’s more you have lucky Jupiter in your income sector –and ready to powerfully rev up Pluto in your talent sector for August, to help you to monetise whatever you’re good at with a dynamic, lucrative attitude. Yes this could be fun.
Because Mars in your social sector is great for being out & about & amongst it. Networking is your thing right now, whether it’s getting ahead in biz, social climbing or just loving the life-affirming company of your tribe for a good time- it’s your season to shine in the world for the first 3 weeks of June...
Because when Mars slips into your soul sector from the 21st -joining your ruler, Mercury, it becomes a little more introverted. Late June (especially around the New Moon of the 23rd) you’re doing shamanic inner work and quietly scheming the next big move (to be launched by early September) with that dark horse, fierce preparation you do so well every time you’re brewing something big. Ooh la la I wouldn’t want to be underestimating you over the next few months!
Meanwhile, love? If you’re single it’s your work/biz/public life that presents genius flirtation opportunities. You’re gorgeous and you know it and yes, a great time to dress up and look sharp in the world for maximum romantic attention. If partnered; the Lilith/Saturn thing in your home sector says you’re negotiating a beautifully authentic version of domestic/familial bliss to move things forward…lovely.
Image: Felix Lammers