Venus retro in your sex/debt sector recently has been about unpicking certain entanglements -constructively of course, with Virgo finesse and planning to pull a new and improved version of your love/money life together this month? Well yes, but Venus is now retrograde in your partnership sector until mid April! Aargh?
Well before you throw your hands in the air and say love sux –or biz collaborations suck for that matter- steady on and keep finessing the details for now. Certainly Venus forward from the 16th will be a nice lift for your attraction mojo, a clearer/more sane momentum with your main squeeze or a better class of suitor if you’re on the prowl –until June! So yes, some nice romantic progress unfolding right there.
Of course you’ve got to watch Mercury retro in your sex/debt sector from the 21st for next level, fine tuned emo or biz negotiations which could be tricky initially, but will feel way easier from early May.
And speaking of cash, the Full Moon of the 11th in your income sector is brilliant! Your instincts about how to rustle up the kind of coin that best serves your long-term financial independence are so on point mid month. Pluto in your self-expression sector says it’s about your unique raw talent; you own it, the better to dig deep and work at next level accomplishment re whatever you’re good at. A bit of gutsy, creative discipline and overcoming any fears about putting yourself out there goes a long way here… Thus does a confident, expansive, positive earning potential present itself this month -and you grab it by the horns, of course!
Because by the New Moon of the 26th you will be looking at a whole new lust for adventure, with spectacular, visionary instincts about your future direction –and it looks brilliant!
Image: Masha Tyelna by Joost Vandebrug