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The month begins with a Mars/Uranus scenario that really blows any tired old stance on life out of the water –the better to clarify a new one! Confusion? You don’t have time for it…

The power of claiming any new insights into what’s really driving you/turning you on right now –even if that contradicts previous ideas about yourself –is so cool. I mean if we’re not constantly evolving we’re stuck, and yes you have been growing, into the next, fab version of yourself at a ferocious speed lately and it feels good!

So Venus is retrograde in your sign all month, where you’re re-evaluating love/art/your look like crazy. And that you get it could take till May to nail your optimum moxy/personal confidence/romantic policy doesn’t disturb you (& your famous impatience) as much as it might usually do. Everything is fluxy right now but you’re not bothered, you embrace this opportunity to reinvent yourself with gusto and perseverance –this is genius!

Meanwhile your ruling planet, Mars, into your income sector right on the Full Moon of the 13th in your day job sector grounds all this into a beautifully intuitive and realistic new take on how to make good, sustainable coin for whatever it is you do well.

Because Pluto in your biz sector here is calling you to bigger things, and not afraid of your own, lucrative self-belief. But again, any shameless self-promotion you put out there better be backed by substance/talent/hard work. You’ve got this, of course…

And love. Retro Jupiter in your partnership sector could be a big, promising romance/rekindling past love/the liberty of travelling solo; but whichever way the dice is rolling it’s still got more time to play out and perhaps, surprise you? This just reflects retro Venus in Aries asking you to rethink every assumption you thought you had nailed about romance? Personal/relational re-invention is the everything right now –watch the Aries New Moon of the 28th for big inspiration re this...

Image: Zhang Jingna photography

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