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I imagine that Venus/Mars playing around in your sex/intimacy sector -and then love goddess Venus spending the better part of the next 3 1/2 months there- is a tad diverting? Like whatever else you’re trying to focus on your mind keeps wandering back to thoughts of love –whether it’s nailing an even better dialogue with your lover/partner, madly on the prowl if single or just generally distracted by your own dirty mind (don’t laugh, I know what lies beneath your virginal exterior lol).

Just so you know, any romantic action currently on your radar is –yes- teasingly exciting but will achieve much greater clarity and ok, satisfaction when Venus and Mars hook up way more effectively in your sign by October. So whatever love affair you are cultivating, or you prowling to meet someone special has 8 months to play out and could be so worth the wait! Yes, your famous discriminating good taste and refined relating skills are serving you well right now.

By the New Moon Eclipse of the 27th you get how much personal growth you are currently scoring from all interactions -including biz and platonic connections; this is gold, regardless of outcomes!

Meanwhile, the Full Moon Eclipse of the 11th is a cracker for getting your work ethic productively on track. Consider the following (true) cliché for a good time: when you pursue your soul-calling (ie doing whatever truly turns you on for a living), and honestly willing to take a mad risk on it at any given point in time it feels right to put yourself out there- new doors open in accordance with the confidence you bring to it and could be damn lucrative too!

By the time lucky Jupiter gets moving in your income sector in June, you could have a fab plan re monetising your unique skills/genius well taking off; so worth preparing for in the meantime…

Image: Paolo Roversi

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