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The New Moon of the 1st is shamanic-style tuning in to your internal reserves of primal, magical power-you’re so good at this! If there’s any sign willing and able to take full, personal responsibility for how much your own internal belief systems/instinctual intelligence direct your life force toward whatever manifests in your life, its you! The force is strong with you and you know it… and lucky Jupiter says it’s really time to rock it and set your best, clear intent for the coming month for a great shot at successful outcomes.

Venus in Scorpio till the 18th is helpful, firing up your sexy moxy, glamour and creative genius and all. Especially when Venus meets bitch goddess Lilith (who you love) around the 6th; you’re a fireball of take-no-prisoners/take-no-shizz success-on-your-own-terms determination. Excellent.

Then the Full Moon of the 16th is a brilliantly maverick new attitude to your day-job reality. It’s prime time to choose innovation/change friendly choices/embracing unexpected upheaval even –over any illusions of security that are stifling your personal growth/boring you to tears/ starting to piss you off, frankly. Whether it’s advantageously shaking up your current gig, or a flash new opportunity that fully turns you on… fearlessly exploring unexpected options is so the way forward right now.

Around the 20th is a particularly potent moment of transformative thinking re this, and anything else that really matters to you.

Then the 31st is your annual New Moon, full of even more creative inspiration and sexy confidence about expressing yourself in the world on your own terms, setting you up for a rockingly fun November where you follow the beat of your own drum; good times ahead for sure!

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