It’s a month that begins with a real personal introspection vibe –what with so much astro action in your mysterious soul sector, you’re looking within to see what really, truly matters to you…
Because the Venus Pluto opposition of July 1st seemingly pitches your deeper spiritual values against any day-job pressure; and you might be feeling some raging tension between freedom to follow your bliss OR succumbing to power trippy working-for-the-man crap/bourgeois compromising of your true, shamanic self or whatever, as you seek the sexy, empowered lifestyle you always knew you deserved.
The New Moon of the 4th is fab clarity re this- it suddenly becomes so obvious that yes you can get your head around scoring a rewarding income doing something you believe in, on nothing less than your own terms. Of course this means digging deeper than usual and finding the true grit to smash out your best, fierce, daily work ethic but so what? Pluto says you can’t wait to get your teeth into a decent professional challenge-so long as it’s meaningful, professionally transformative and potentially lucrative you have awesome reserves of stamina and aint scared to use it! The Full Moon of the 20th is a nice insight into just how emotionally motivated you are about this right now, and harnessing your most brilliant success-instincts.
And when Venus shimmies into Leo from the 12th your native, glam, supremely confident moxy takes over. Creative self-assurance? Sure, why not-Saturn says you’ve been working your ass off at whatever you’re good at for a while now, so you’ve earned the right to believe in yourself, and if not now, when?? And the knack for some genius, shameless self-promotion to get your good work out there? Yes of course, it’s one of your core competencies and it’s no time for uncharacteristic false modesty now. Sexy confidence in your own romantic/seductive wiles? Well obviously!
Mid month onwards is a return of your most luminous charisma; you walk down the street shaking it with your best unapologetic swagger, which you always adore, and you are even more psychically aware than usual of who’s got a crush on you/loves you deeply and what you’re going to do about it. And if there’s no romance yet-you’re either blissfully content with your own creative buzz for company or you’re gonna goddamn go and get you some action pronto- you know you can pull whoever you want right now, you’re that hot!