Ok so how about stubborn Saturn and Mars bolting backwards in your sex/money sector all May- it’s a month of brooding power trips, going over (and over) emotionally stuck old conversations and re-thinking tough strategies for sure!
You can’t actually force any intimate, financial or biz scenarios for a while-until mid August, to be exact- but you can carefully untangle/avoid any dramas as they arise, and intelligently plot your next big sexual/fiscal, political offensive for August.
So what you want to jump on, meanwhile, is a spectacular New Moon in your sign on May 7th. This is a beautiful re-boot of your own gorgeous mojo, with a chance to throw your best articulate communication out there. Mercury is retro on this one, so you speak your mind with beautifully simple, uncomplicated clarity (your core competency) for great results.
Jupiter in your creative sector is also pumping your own, uniquely talented brilliance- but it’s also retrograde, so you re-work old arty projects and refine your technique for a stunning new version of optimum self-expression in coming months.
And then there’s Pluto in your adventure sector, also retrograde; giving you something to think about in terms of a big, upcoming transformation. Yes, you might be preparing to change your life with a major relocation, international travel, or academia bender- and yes, it could be big. But you don’t act too swiftly just yet- you’re still scheming, for the moment. This New Moon is gloriously inspiring re all of this!
And then the Full Moon of the 22nd is a nice chance to be emotionally congruent re whatever intimate complexities are going on –even if you can’t resolve them completely just yet. And with bitch goddess Lilith into your love sector! A moment of sexy, challenging, thrillingly dangerous attraction action could be coming up in late May -fun times, if you stay in the moment and allow long term romantic outcomes plenty of time to play out…
Image: Betty Page