The Force is truly with you right now, with a bonanza line up of planetary action in Pisces; and it’s up to you to use your awesome mojo for maximum personal traction…
Firstly, Mercury in Pisces sharpens your wits just in time for Mars into your biz sector from March 6th-late May. Yes, 2 ½ months of endless energy coming up, to whip the Pisces career into shape with some good old fashioned elbow grease. It’s a really good time to think about what really matters to you vocationally and what you’re actually going to do about that.
And then the Pisces New Moon, Solar Eclipse of the 9th awakens your innate emotional intelligence; you rock a beautifully self-aware, healthy new relationship with yourself and this is guaranteed to improve the quality of any love connections/partnerships around you. Your relationship empathy/mutual chemistry/genius is peaking.
Which brings us to love goddess Venus into Pisces from the 12th and immediately rocking your love life; where any sexual and romantic tensions in your orbit suddenly come into sharper focus. You see more clearly who you want and who wants you; and how everyone’s agendas/desires re this are likely to play out.
And then you have Venus on Neptune, your dreamy ruling planet around the 21st. This heightens your personal, glamorous allure beyond belief, so you are hot property in love/art/creative expression/whatever rocks your boat.
So apart from being tempted to momentarily slip into crazy romantic delusions late month (you might want to watch that); it’s all about you being your best gorgeous, talented, desirable self in the world and the beautiful success that comes from fearlessly owning your own fabulousness. It’s go forth and thrive time, for sure!