Okay so taskmaster Saturn in Sag making you work so hard for every little victory and sexy, energetic Mars hiding his moxy in your hidden soul sector has been giving you the screaming irrits for months now.
It’s as if every bloody forward step you take is thrown back in your face with do it better/not quite yet/better luck next time/this is gonna take a while, keep trying type messages from the universe. Aaaaaaargghhh!
If you feel haunted by the ghosts of as-yet-unobtainable victories/breakthroughs that you are trying soooo valiantly to achieve, you are probably doing it right. Saturn is around for a few more years, so there are certain, major goals that will take a bit longer to fully actualise and yes, the gritty hard work you are grinding away with now will bear fruit with time- honest!
But the great thing is that relief is on the way, Mars in your sign from March 6th until late May is going to be excellent! This is 2 ½ months of getting your groove way back on, feeling full of confident moxy again and generally getting out there and reminding the world that you are, indeed, a force to be totally reckoned with.
So if you’ve been quietly harbouring any schemes, dreams or Saggi appetites and wondering when to spring them upon the world? Yep, that would be March 6th onwards. This is when you tap into the right kind of self-promotional confidence, believe in yourself again and viola, previously uninterested parties suddenly recognise your sexy brilliance and come knocking on your door. Coincidence? I think not.
Ok so you’re feeling good again and full of libidinous, life affirming energy-good for you, you deserve it!
But what about love? With Venus in your domestic sector from the 12th, I suggest scheduling any dating/mating action at home, in the second half of the month. Nothing like the cosy confines of the Sag boudoir, rolling out the bearskin rug, locking out the world and locking eyes with your lover in the privacy of your own sanctuary to rev up the passion, yes?
Image: amanda wellsh by will davidson for vogue australia july 2014